I have a vision and each day I take steps on bringing that vision to reality, making my dreams and the dreams I have for my family and others come true. I know that it’s going to take hard work with maybe some blood, sweat and tears along the way…but those are all risks I am willing to take. Dreams don’t come true sleeping …that’s for sure. Well thankfully for some reason my body doesn’t allow me much sleep (blessing or curse yet to be decided) , that just means more time at working towards making dreams come true. This has been such an incredibly awakening, humbling, magical, journey thus far in starting Haus Of Fusion. I have met and connected with so many kind, caring, creative, wonderful people. The amount of support I have received has been overwhelmingly amazing. I am truly eternally grateful for this beautiful life and all the people in it. I’ve never been more excited for the future, I know I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. Thank you for being apart of my journey and inspiring me everyday. I love you all. I couldn’t do this without you!


Chef Anastacia